The Frugal Art of Showing Appreciation

showing appreciation

Showing loved ones and friends that you care about them is important for the relationship to grow and strengthen. Here are a few suggestions for showing appreciation that are not only inexpensive but easy.


Send a Text Message with a Special Photo

Life is full of moments. The terrific thing about digital photography is you can capture these moments and be reminded of them each and every time you look at that image. I like to send my girlfriend a simple text in the middle of the day just letting her know I am thinking about her. I’ll attach a photo of a special time we had together so she is reminded how important she is to me.


Put Your Words on Paper

I don’t know about you but I dislike buying cards with a passion. I could literally spend hours looking for a card that has the right message. Who writes these cards anyway? If I want to show someone I really care, I write it on paper. My words. Not someone else’s words. The art of writing a letter is quickly fading as a form of communication and is being replaced instead by text symbols, emoticons, and abbreviations which require the reader to make huge assumptions as to the context and meaning of the message. The fact that you took the time to sit down and write something on paper speaks volumes, not to mention the trip to the store to buy stamps! While you are at the store buying stamps and blank cards, pick up some blank note cards. Place a spontaneous note in their lunch, under the pillow, or in their suitcase before leaving on a trip. Your kind words and your time are all that anyone really needs after-all!


Share Your Bounty

In many cultures, holidays and family events are celebrated with food for good reason, food gives life and sustenance and has great value.  What better way to show someone that you care about them than to share your bounty with them?  Growing up, I can remember delivering home-made cranberry nut bread to my teachers and neighbors during the holidays, I can still see the smiling face of Mrs. Zbkowski as I handed her one of mom's thoughtful packages of goodness!  My mother would make the breads from scratch so they didn't cost much and wrap them in plastic wrap with a bow and a personal note. What made these gifts special is that my mother took time out of her busy life, (I have 6 brothers and sisters) to make a gift that she knew would have meaning for her friends.


Spend Time

Perhaps the most meaningful of all gifts is your time. Time is truly both precious and priceless!  Meals are sacred family time in my house and that's in large part credit to my mother. If the phone rang, (yes, telephones used to be hung on walls and you had to walk over to the phone to answer it!) we would let it ring.  If a friend came to the house we would have to politely tell them we were eating dinner and that we would see them later.  To this day, my daughter understands that cell phones are not allowed at the dinner table. Another opportunity for spending time with my daughter is in the morning when I drive her to school. It is just her and myself, both rare and special!  She is a captive audience so I take advantage of the time to have discussions about something that might be a concern for her but I mostly want her to know that I am here for her and I love her.

Your gift of time has more significance than you will ever know, spend it well!

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