Post Graduation Guide to Goal Setting

goal settingWhen you hear the term “goal setting,” what comes to mind? Have you set any goals for yourself? While you were in college, you maybe had a couple simple goals such as passing your class or being able to complete one semester with a 4.0 GPA, but now that you are a post grad, you need to make sure that you are setting more intense goals that are focused on your future.

If you struggle with how to set goals for yourself,  you are not alone.  Here are some things you can do that can make the process of goal setting easier.

1. Dream Big

You never want to give up on your dreams and it is okay to have high hopes and big dreams. If you dream of opening a large, successful restaurant in New York City, then keep that dream in the back of your mind as it will push you further in life. While your dream may not seem achievable right this minute, it does not mean that it is not achievable.

2. Set Small Goals

It is okay to set some small goals for yourself as well. You never want to limit yourself to big dreams and if you do have a big dream, set smaller goals to get there. For instance, one year you may want to do a better job at paying off your student loans. Instead of just following your same, old payment schedule you may decide to take action to actually improve your situation through refinancing your student loans to a lower interest rate. NelNet, one of the biggest student loan companies, recently launched a student loan refinancing company. Consider checking them out in 2016 as a way to achieve your student loan goals

It takes time to make a larger dream come true and just because you cannot reach your larger dream within a year or two does not mean that it won’t come true.

3. Start Networking

Now is the time to start networking and meeting new people. You want to connect with people who are in the field that you wish to go into. For example, if you want to own your own business, talk to franchise owners, corporate leaders, chefs, and similar. All of these people will be able to give you an insight into what it is like to have your own business and to work in the field.

Always connect with other members and hold on to their names and numbers for future reference. This way, when you are ready to move into your chosen field, you will be able to slide into a great position easily and without having to start from day one.

4. Find a Schedule That Works for You

One thing to keep in mind is that when you are setting goals, you need to make sure that you are able to rest and relax too. If you spend all of your time networking, searching for leads, and building into your big dream, you will be worn out when the time comes to actually move into the career you want.

It is essential that you have down time and that you manage your time effectively so that you do not become burnt out before you even begin. Look for some resources that may be able to better help you manage your time.

5. Reach For Your Goals

Never give up. One thing that often happens to new grads is they set goals and then never reach them and give up. If you come to a point where you are unable to reach a goal you set, revise it and allow yourself time to adjust and make up the difference.

One thing you never want to do is give up because then you are giving up on your dream. For example, if you want to own a retail store, but you find it too difficult to write your business plan, then don’t give up. Research how to do it, work with companies that offer business plan writing help, and even talk to a lawyer who can point you in the right direction. If you give up now, you will never make it to where you want to be.

Goal setting can be difficult if you don't know where to start and you may become frustrated along the way when you struggle to accomplish something you wanted to. Before you panic, try to sit back and relax. Always adjust when obstacles enter your path and start with small goals that lead up to a larger one.

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